Humanity has plunged into unimaginable degrees of change. Minds are swirling to address new realities, in terms of health, human interaction, employment and economic safety nets.
The world has changed overnight. Most day-to-day interactions are shifting to video collaboration platforms. As well, major conferences have been cancelled and we’ve written about what to do in response. But, what about the workhorse of major team direction-setting – the offsite?
Coronavirus is happening. Whether or not your company’s large gathering just got cancelled over the last couple of weeks, there’s a strong chance that many large events involving travel will be cancelled for Q2, until there is greater clarity about the risks involved for travelers.
Synopsis: A Fortune 500 company had a history of unproductive, top-down leadership meetings that didn’t move the dial on critical initiatives or address the elephant-in-the-room topics.
Never did I imagine that one day, I would find joy in stuffing envelopes. As the Marie Kondo experience ripples across our culture, I found that “spark of joy” in the envelope.
Traditional techniques are often ineffective for enterprise technology companies selling transformative offerings to CIOs. In this article, we make the case for a different way of engaging CIO's (and other IT leaders) and their teams.
You have set your company vision. You have your top people in the room.
What should you do with them?
Why Leadership Conferences Are Typically Wasted Opportunities
Practically every company larger than 500 employees has an annual leadership conference for their top leaders.